FJA Has a New Look!
Change is literally “in the air.” It is still only the first half of November and we’ve already had 1.5 snow days. Astronomical Winter isn’t until December 21 and Meteorological Winter (December 1) is still weeks away. Yet, despite our best calendrical predictions, when the temperature drops and the snow falls, we reluctantly adapt to an “early” winter.
Change is also in full swing at FJA. A later start time, revised class schedule, more electives, multiple exciting experiential excursions, and, you may have noticed – a new look!
In our 20th year, it is time for our image to represent all of the changes we have made. How does a Jewish college preparatory school with an environment that is caring, innovative, joyful and supportive, represent itself through images, colors, and words? We spent time considering crests and shields, menorahs and torahs, stars and symbols, and we looked at our mission statement. After much collaboration and consideration, we identified a symbol that is as Jewish as apple pie is American and colors that are as vibrant and energetic as our students.
I would like to introduce our new logo – the FJA pomegranate. It is a symbol that is timeless and fresh; it represents tradition and renewal, it is one of the seven species mentioned in the Bible as native to Israel, it is the fruit that inaugurates Rosh HaShanah, the new year, and whose seeds are said to represent the Mitzvot, the commandments of the Torah.

It is adorned with richly colored and luscious seeds, which can be consumed or sown, characteristics much like the dynamic and meaningful educational experiences that impact each FJA student by fostering growth and development. Its seeds are nestled closely, each supporting the other while safely enveloped and protected, like our own close-knit FJA community, where teachers and students develop strong and supportive bonds that endure long after graduation – where shared values of respect, compassion, and responsibility mean that students will develop a vision for who they want to be, and the confidence to pursue their hopes and ambitions.
The pomegranate is much more than a fruit as Frankel Jewish Academy is much more than a school. Our new tagline, “Own Your Journey. Discover Your Tomorrow.” expresses our belief that each student is unique, with interests and skills waiting to be discovered and honed. At FJA, Jewish values, critical and creative thinking, meaningful college prep and personal attention, empower students to design their unique path toward a future of lifelong learning and leadership.
I look forward to sharing more of our journey with you.