FJA's community is students, teachers, administrators, parents, grandparents, and family members. We are alumni, our incredible Detroit community, synagogue partners, Jewish organizations, friends, and supporters. We're a vibrant, meaningful, diverse and compassionate Jewish community, and we hope you will come to learn and grow with us.
While there's no substitute for the passion and critical thinking our students demonstrate every day at school, here are a few ways that our community stays connected to FJA and supports future Jewish leaders:
- Alumni participate in the school as mentors, guest speakers, and organize their own Alumni community through the Alumni Steering Committee.
- Parents help to organize school-wide celebrations, serve as ambassadors and integral members of our admissions team and parents are represented on the Board of Trustees.
- Grandparents are our community ambassadors! We love welcoming Grandparents and Special friends each year at Grandparents and VIP Day.